Let's learn digitally
The objective
This collective initiative is an effort to provide an interactive alternative on the learning process of both tangible and intangible heritage.Using all collected data from the on-site documentation, HERMeS focuses on the design of open-source onlene educational courses for young ages, regarding all aspects of history of traditionall settlements.
The process
The ideation of the educational courses requires specific historical research, on site visit and collection of digital data and collective design thinking, with the help of experts and academic professionals
The final result
The outcome consists of inclusive educational courses, with interactive activities, lectures, gamified tasks as well as digital guided tours inside 3D models that reprepesnt parts of aspects of each course's historical focus. The result can help reach children and people of all ages regarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage
HERMeS is a non-profit NGO for Digital Cultural Heritage
PIC EU number: 899601184